Taking Action – Even ‘ordinary’ actions done daily can bring extraordinary results.
Most of us struggle in taking action at some stage – some of us more than others! Inaction is the primary cause of failure. The best ideas in the world lie in the top drawers or dead thoughts of dead people. Never to see the light, never to transform, never to add value to the human condition. What a shame that so many of the great ideas, thoughts and intentions we have – remain just that. Procrastination, perfectionism, lack of belief in ourselves and just plain laziness are the barriers to our taking more reliable, regular action.
So many of us are perfectionists who can’t do anything until everything is ‘just right’. Yet did you know most things will never be’ just right’?
Did you know that for every person with a ground-breaking paradigm shifting idea that became successful, there are hundred other people who became equally successful doing quite frankly pretty ordinary things every day?
You don’t have to always make ground-breaking actions or innovations, often success comes to us when we do the seemingly mundane tasks daily without letting up.
At some stage these seemingly ordinary tasks can take us to that ‘tipping point’ of success; they can finally get the boulder to the top of the hill where gravity and momentum will take over and finally zoom the builder effortlessly and faster down the hill.
Consistency is the Mother of Success, and the secret of successes according to Benjamin Disraeli – is Consistency of Purpose.
In my interactions with clients as a mentor and coach, the greatest cause of fear or failure is the failure to act. Any action is better than no action at all.
Wise Words to Remember…
To help you start taking action more consistently, consider these gems from some great minds. In fact why not stick one or two up where you work. Stop procrastinating and start doing those things you know you need to do:
Action is a great restorer and builder of confidence.
Inaction is not only the result, but the cause, of fear.
Perhaps the action you take will be successful;
Perhaps different action or adjustments will have to follow.
But any action is better than no action at all…
Norman Vincent Peale
An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory…
Freidrich Engels
Real success comes in small portions day by day…
Denis Waitley